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The Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course, Live On-Line 

February 3-7 through Feb 10-13, 2025 (1 - 6:30 PM New York Time)

• Robert Cleary  • John Cherry  • David Kaminski
• Bernard Kueper  • Douglas Larson  • Paulo Negrao

Important information before you register for the online courses 

The Live Online edition of the Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course is priced at $1,695 for a single student, and at a discounted price of $1,100 per student for 2 or more registrations from the same company or agency. 

If you are registering 2 or more students, please make sure to select the right pricing option when submitting your registration form. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at: or call +1 813 964-0800

Course Description

The course is the only 38-hour (3.8 Continued Education Credits) course being offered in the U.S. or Europe that comprehensively covers all aspects of groundwater pollution, hydrology, and remediation from theory to practice. The instructors are recognized as the top six leading experts and teachers in the field and collectively have over 250 years of practical experience. The course is the established standard among groundwater training courses and for this reason has consistently had the largest attendance of all courses offered anywhere dealing with groundwater hydrology, contamination, and remediation.

Over 1200 pages of lecture notes have been written specifically for this course. Practical aspects are particularly emphasized through the study of illustrative case histories of groundwater contamination and remediation developed by Geosyntec and others. Based on the results of several hundred projects, these lectures stress a practical approach to cleanup which is acclaimed by industry and regulators alike.

One of the most widespread and difficult problems in groundwater contamination and remediation today is dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). Dr. Cherry will present the fundamental concepts underlying the occurrence, behavior, and movement of DNAPLs in sedimentary deposits, aquitards, and fractured hard rocks.

The course will also cover the latest theory and applications of ASTM's RBCA (Risk Based Corrective Action), including Monitored Natural Attenuation and Tiers 1, 2, and 3 in assessing groundwater contamination and establishing cleanup criteria.

Over 1600 slides are shown throughout the entire course. Among groundwater professionals, the Princeton Course is considered a must-course of outstanding educational value.

Classes are offered online via Zoom and include live Q&A sessions with each instructor after each class. 

Course Instructors


Course Topics

  • Basic to Advanced Principles in Groundwater Contamination and Hydrology

  • Fundamental Concepts of Groundwater Flow, Transport and Contamination

  • Advanced Concepts and Principles of Groundwater Flow, Fate and Transport and Natural Attenuation (Mass Flux, Mass Discharge, Capture Zones in Plan and Vertical Cross-Sections, Horizontal and Vertical Anisotropy Effects on Contaminant Flow Directions, Impact of Shifting Plume Directions on Concentrations Measured in Fixed Monitoring Wells, Effects of Heterogeneity, Mobile/Immobile Porosities and Their Effects on Matrix Forward Diffusion/Back Diffusion,Refraction, Lenses, Non-Horizontal Flow, Hydrodynamic Conditions, Dispersion, Sorption, Retardation, Biodegradation, Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) ...

  • Cleanup Goals, Key Regulatory and Risk Drivers for Remediation. Federal and State Equivalents (RCRA, CERCLA, SARA, Voluntary Cleanup Programs)

  • Groundwater Monitoring And Sampling Technology: Monitoring Program Elements and Design, Site Characterization Tools and Field Analytical Methods, Traditional and Accelerated Site Characterization Plans, Well Design Standards and Practices, Collecting Representative Groundwater Samples, Preservation and Decontamination Procedures, Factors that Affect Sample Accuracy, Precision and Quality, Low Flow Purging, No-Purge/Passive Sampling, The Triad Approach and Screen Size and Location Based On The 3D Site Conceptual Model.

  • Conceptual Site Models (CSM) As The Basis For Remedial Decisions

  • Setting Remedial Action Objectives and Cleanup Objectives (Soil and Groundwater)

  • Remediation Strategies for RCRA, Superfund and Brownfield Sites

  • Trends in Source and Groundwater Treatment Remedies for PFAS and Emerging Contaminants

  • LNAPLs (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids, BTEX, MTBE), DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids): Concepts, Remediation and Challenges

  • Illustrative Case Histories of Groundwater Contamination, Cleanup and Long Term Management Costs and Aquifer Restoration Alternatives For Soil and Groundwater, including Pump and Treat, Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation, In Situ Chemical Oxidation and Reduction, Soil Vapor Extraction, Multi-Phase Extracdtion, Thermal Technologies, Bioaugmentation and Permeable Reactive Barriers

  • Ex Situ treatment technologies

  • DNAPL's (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids): Occurrence, Movement and Implications with Respect to Site Monitoring and Remediation in Unconsolidated Sedimentary Deposits, Aquitards and Fractured Hard Rock. Concepts Illustrated by Laboratory and Field Experiments with Chlorinated Solvents. Viruses in Fractured Hard Rock.. Oldest published, peer-reviewed DNAPL case history

  • Wellhead Protection under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments: Theory and Practice. Determining 3D Capture Zones Using Numerical Models

  • Introduction to Popular Software Programs (e.g., MODFLOW, MT3D, BIOSCREEN...) and Their Applications in Groundwater PolIution, Hydrology and Remediation: : Emphasis on Practical Applications

  • Hydraulic Characterization: Pumping Test Methods, Slug Test Methods and Practices, Laboratory Permeameters, Grain Size Distributions for screen selection and K, Hydraulic Tomography, Borehole Dilution Methods, Flowmeters and Geoprobe's HPT to Determine K(Z), Numerical Model Pumping Tests for Determining Heterogeneous Aquifer Properties, "Pumping Tests" in the Vadose Zone to Determine the Radius of Influence for Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation

  • Fundamental Concepts and Theory of Water and Chemical Movement in the Unsaturated Zone; Laboratory Methods and Field Equipment (Suction Lysimeters and Tensiometers) to Characterize Soils and Sample Water/Gases in the Vadose Zone

  • Site Characterization (Water, Soil and Vapors): Direct Push Methods, Geophysical Methods, Soil Gas Sampling, Soil and Hard Rock Sampling/Coring Techniques, Multi-Level Samplers (CMT, Westbay, Flute and Waterloo), High Resolution Site Characterization Using DYE-LIF and Geoprobe's MIP and MiHPT, Inficon's Hapsite Portable GC/MS for Indoor Air Vapor Intrusion Investigations, Mini-Piezometers, Seepage Pans to Measure River/Lake Fluxes and Hydraulic Conductivities, Dispersion Coefficient Measurements in the Field, Transects to Measure Mass flux/Mass Discharge, Data Validation (QA/QC Statistics and Procedures) Expedited Site Characterization Techniques, etc.

Who Should Attend

The course is designed for groundwater hydrologists, geologists, engineers, chemists, environmental scientists, state/federal regulators, project managers, compliance/regulatory program managers for industry.

The emphasis is on acquiring an extensive working knowledge of the concepts, principles and professional practices underlying groundwater pollution, hydrology and remediation. Although some
areas are necessarily surveyed in the interest of time, technical depth is the norm in the majority of sessions. Like any short course, some experience is helpful but not necessary as the course teaches basic principles before dealing with more advanced topics. The course succeeds in significantly enhancing the technical skills of all the participants without losing the neophytes and without boring those with 15 years of practical experience. This is the highest rated course in the industry - no course teaches so much!

Course Materials and CEU's

Students will receive over 1,200 pages of lecture notes in a 3-ring binder. In addition, they will be given a certificate of satisfactory completion and qualify to receive 3.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). A record is kept of these units and transcripts may be requested at a later date.

The course material will be mailed to you prior to the beginning of the live on-line course.

You will also have access to supplemental material via Dropbox.

Course Hours

The Live On-Line Edition of the Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course has a duration of 38 hours, divided into 9 afternoons.

Week One of the course: Monday through Friday, with classes from 1:00 to 6:30 PM Eastern Time (New York Time).

Week Two of the course: Monday through Wednesday, with classes from 1:00 to 6:30 PM Eastern Time (New York Time).  Thursday (last day), classes are from 1:00 to 3:00 PM Eastern Time (New York Time).

Registration Fee

The Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology course is offered in the Live On-Line format only.

The Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology Course, Live Online

Registration Fees

• Single Student......$1,695.

• 2 or more students from the same company or agency...$ 1,100* each

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